The New Spiritual Science Blog
Will war ever end?
Will war ever end? In March 2022 this question is more relevant than ever and a lot of people are wondering if the madness will ever stop. The good news is that it will. War will end when nobody wants to become a soldier and there is no man or woman that is willing to...
How is Life on the Other Side?
How is life on the other side? About a year ago Maria McMahon and I published our 3rd book in the Spiritual Nutshell Series titled: Life After Death in a Nutshell, and after a few months on the English-speaking market, it was published in Danish. In Denmark the book...
The Law of Attraction and manifesting your wishes
The Law of Attraction (LoA) is the most powerful natural law at work in the universe, but very few people know this. The LoA became well known in 2006 when the video The Secret was published. The famous secret in life is simply the LoA. It is a huge advantage for all...
Nine golden rules for a good life
Today I got a question on Quora about the golden rules of life, and this made me start thinking. This is the result I came up with and, as you know, what I write is based on the wisdom expressed in Martinus´ spiritual science. 1. Only sow what you would like to reap...
The best available evidence for the survival of human consciousness after death
The winners of the Bigelow essay competition on the survival of consciousness have now been revealed and I would like to congratulate them all. It is exciting that so many serious researchers have presented credible evidence for the survival of human consciousness...
The two greatest revelations that humankind still has to realize
When I tell people that I occupy myself with the evidence for life after death and reincarnation they look at me as if I need to see a shrink and get my head examined. Most people really believe that death is the end and that we only live one life. They are so...
The Third Sex – the key to understanding transgender and same sex relations
Martinus is the first person to offer a sound explanation to what is going on with our sexuality and why more and more people experience gender uncertainty and sexual attraction to their own sex. Martinus explains that what he terms ´the transformation of our sexual...
On UFOs and space travels
On UFOs and space travels A question that is more relevant now than ever is if UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist and if space travel has a future. In this blog-post I would like to present what Martinus has said about the subject. He was asked many times about...
Reincarnation and our evolutionary journey
Today the mainstream narrative tells us that we only live one life, but that claim is only an assumption as nobody has ever been able to prove that nothing survives the death of the physical body. Before, beyond and behind the physical body our real body – a body of...
Our guardian angels
Are angels real? Do we actually have guardian angels? These questions can be answered with a very affirmative YES! We all have 2 or 3 guardian angels that are watching over us day and night. We are actually never really alone – there is at least one spiritual being...
Love is the answer – what was the question?
Oh, the question was: why is there so much evil in the world, if there is a loving God? As we have wars, terrorism, unrest and now a pandemic, it is hard to see where the loving God is in all this. So, let us go on a search for him / her. Where is God? Martinus...
The Purpose of Life
The purpose of life I get a lot of questions on Quora about the purpose of life and many of those who are asking are deeply confused and sad. They do not know what to do with their life and some are considering suicide because of this lack of understanding of what to...
Why do humans have different fates?
To most people their fate is a huge mystery. Why do certain things happen to them, why are they hit by accidents and why are they ill or unhappy? And why do other people lead happy lives in prosperity and good health? Those who believe in the never-proved one-life...
Why can´t I remember my past lives?
Why can´t I remember my past lives? A lot of people refuse to believe in past lives because they say: if I have lived before, why can´t I remember? Let me address this question. Children that remember past lives First of all it should be mentioned that a lot of...
Five important reasons not to eat meat
This post, written by Else Byskov, was published by Sivana East. Please click on this link to read it: 5 Important Reasons Not To Eat Meat,
What is the soul in logical, tangible, scientific terms?
These are exciting times because just as 2021 starts Netflix has launched a series titled: Surviving death. This means that what I have been `preaching´ for decades, viz. that death is an illusion, has finally reached the mainstream media. Now, it seems, we can talk...
Why was I born?
The mainstream narrative tells us that our birth is the result of pure coincidence and that there is nothing unique about us. We are merely the result of two people having sex and it is solely the genetic material that defines who we are. But this idea has never been...
Five never-proved superstitions that are still widely believed
Our lives are to a large extent ruled by superstitions that we have inherited from the past. These superstitions have become so ingrained in our collective consciousness that they have been perceived as truths. We simply take it for granted that this is how things...
Our destinations in the spiritual world
Death is an illusion. What we think of as death is no death at all, it is just the process of discarding an old worn instrument: our physical body. We are NOT identical to that body, because behind the physical organism the real living being exists. The real living...
The Creation of World Peace
The Creation of World Peace A lot of people are wondering about the future of the planet. There has been talk about Armageddon and Ragnarok, about never-ending wars and unrest, so it may seem that world peace is an unattainable utopia. And the question is: will we...
The Solution to the Mystery of Life
The solution to the mystery of life Why are we here? What are we doing here? Is there a meaning to our existence? Life is such a mystery. What is the solution to the mystery of life? I know that a lot of people are asking this question and we are so lucky that...
Twelve secrets to a happier life
Twelve secrets to a happier life I get a lot of questions on Quora about how to become happy. It seems that a large number of people go around being unhappy and doubting what they are doing here on Earth. Is there a purpose to their life? Why are they here? What...
The Meaning of Suffering
One of the questions that pops up in my correspondence again and again is why suffering exists. I address this question in “Fate and karma in a Nutshell. How to understand your fate and change it for the better.” The following is an extract from the book: The Meaning...
What is death really?
What is death actually? The world is in the grip of a pandemic and a number of people pass over due to it. In this context it seems like a good idea to explore the question of death and what it actually means to die. Death is an Illusion I know that a lot of us have...
Coronavirus and karma
Coronavirus and karma Right now, in the middle of March 2020, the whole world is under attack from the coronavirus. Drastic measures are being taken by governments, and we are all affected by it one way or another. Here in Spain we must stay in our houses and are only...
Fate and Karma in a Nutshell
How to understand your fate and change it for the better The above is the title of my latest book in the Spiritual Nutshell Series, a series about basic spiritual aspects of life that I am co-authoring with Maria McMahon. This is the description of the book from...
What Do our Talents Reveal about our Past Lives?
What do our talents reveal about our past lives? We are all born with a lot of talents and the mainstream narrative tells us that we inherit our talents from our parents and that the talents are based in the genes. But this is, according to Martinus, not the whole...
Who Is God?
Who is God? Well, this is a big question and I am only able to attempt to answer it because I have studied Martinus´ awesome spiritual science for 25 years. Please understand that this is an ultra-short version of the concept of God. Martinus has a cosmic concept of...
Where does the scientist turn in times of need?
Where does the scientist turn in times of need? Materialistic science has had enormous success ever since it was established a few centuries ago. It has brought us amazing progress in so many areas: communication, transport, technology, education, medical science,...
The Important Atheist Stage
The Important Atheist Stage Atheism means disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God. Being an atheist has been condemned by most religions, and Christianity in particular has been very hard on atheists: they were doomed to eternal flames in hell, if they...
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